Once we decided to move to NYC, we started the process of staging our home…you know, making our home look like no one actually lives there 🙂
Our realtor suggested we de-personalize our home to help buyers visualize themselves living in the space. This included, taking down all our personal family photos and displaying neutral artwork that appeals to the masses. Made sense to me but then again, who wants to buy “neutral” artwork for staging purposes, to then take it down once we moved? Seemed silly to me! There had to be a better way to inexpensively find or make wall art.
Enter my el cheapo solution! Gift bags! Say what??? Y’all thinking I’m crazy, right?
Holy Toledo Batman…this actually worked! Plus the project cost me less than $10 at Marshall’s for a handful of gift bags. I already had the matted white frames but you can find similar frames at Amazon or Ikea. Also, you can use fabric (cloth napkins or any type of extra fabric) in place of the gift bag.
Also, this project isn’t just for staging homes! You may have powder rooms/bathrooms, guest bedrooms, or hallways that need a little ‘something something’ on the walls!
Whatcha think of my inexpensive art solution?
I love this!