Happy Earth Day Y’all!
Earth Day festivities were in full swing today at Union Square! Toyota hosted a green vehicle show and numerous environmental organizations were providing free items, awesome raffles and educational demos. There was also a station to bring used clothing and electronics to recycle.
Easy Peasy Ways to Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle:
-Recycle at home, work and school
-Turn off the lights, TV, radio or computer when you leave the room.
-Run your dishwasher and washing machine only when they have full loads. Wash clothes in warm or cold water to save energy.
-Pick up after your pet. Pet waste runs off lawns and sidewalks, polluting nearby rivers and lakes.
-Drive less. Combine your errands into one car trip. Fewer trips will reduce air pollution.
The best way to celebrate Earth Day? Outdoors in a state of thankfulness for our beautiful earth! Lunch picnic at one of my favorite parks in the city!